Timeshare Owner Justice
Our Services
✔ Timeshare Contract Cancellation
This is what we do!! Timeshare Owner Justice has developed a revolutionary advocacy program to FIGHT BACK against their Timeshare Company. We level the playing field, and aggressively, quickly and efficiently force the Timeshare Company to cancel the owner’s lifelong contract.
✔ Maintenance Fee Contract Cancellation
There are two components involved in Timeshare contracts—the Timeshare contract and the MAINTENANCE contract with monthly fees into perpetuity even after the Timeshare is paid off. Timeshare Owner Justice relentlessly applies pressure in order to successfully negotiate for the termination of the maintenance contract.
✔ Mortgage Cancellation
If the Timeshare is a deeded property or has a mortgage we will be able to successfully cancel the mortgage without going into foreclosure.
✔ Timeshare Claim Refund
If we uncover strong evidence that the Timeshare agents made egregious misrepresentations, lies or fraud we will fight to obtain a partial refund of monies paid to the Timeshare company.
✔ Timeshare Exit Scam Money Recovery
If you paid a large fee to a Timeshare exit company who misled you and has not performed per their contract, we will go after them to obtain you a refund. The CEO’s success in immediately obtaining a refund of over $22K for his mother in a matter of days proved that we know how to get this done!!
✔ Timeshare Education
We have multiple articles and resources to help Timeshare owners learn how this business operates, as well as the pros and cons of Timeshare ownership. We are also happy to schedule a call to answer questions and provide information to help a Timeshare owner figure this whole thing out!
✔ Credit Repair
We DEMAND that Timeshare companies correct any negative credit information they have reported on our clients as part of our cancellation strategy. In the event that there are other credit items (resort issued credit card) or prior delinquency before enrolled that we are unable to resolve we have a trusted credit repair partner who can help to rebuild your credit profile and increase your score.
Timeshare Owner Justice provides information, consulting and timeshare exit services. Timeshare